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Who We Are


MainStreet of Fremont exists to improve the quality of life in Fremont by strengthening the historic downtown as the center of the community. The purpose of MainStreet of Fremont is to encourage, promote, and support downtown Fremont's economic vitality, as well as the image and appearance of downtown.

What We Believe

MainStreet of Fremont capitalized on the idea that the downtown is the center of community life, and more than just a place of commerce. We believe that a revitalized downtown benefits the community because an active downtown is a symbol of community economic health, local quality of life, pride, and community history. 

In Fremont, MainStreet just doesn’t include the “Main Street,” it encompasses the entire downtown district. MainStreet of Fremont is a resource to the entire community. We emphasize the infrastructure and the business located between 1st and Military Ave, and C to Broad Streets. The historic district is designated as Main Street between 3rd and 6th and 6th Street between Main St and Park Ave.

MainStreet of Fremont is founded on eight effective principles for success that are carried out through the Four Point Approach. Through the work of volunteer committees, the four point approach encourages economic development of business improvement, design, organization, and promotion. When working simultaneously and comprehensively, they help keep downtown thriving by addressing present as well as future strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges.

MainStreet of Fremont Boundaries


Get to Know Us

Curious about our strategic vision? Click the "Strategic Plan" button to discover how our mission drives our programming and transforms our community's future.

Explore our impact in 2024: View our annual report to see how we've turned mission into meaningful action and results.

Memberships & Recognition

MainStreet of Fremont is a Main Street America affliated program and a Designated Main Street Community.


Main Street America has been helping revitalize older and historic commercial districts for more than 40 years. Today it is a network of more than 1,600 neighborhoods and communities, rural and urban, who share both a commitment to place and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. Main Street America is a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.


The Nebraska Main Street Network exists to help communities develop traditional commercial districts so that they are attractive to residents and business friendly for commercial investment and economic growth.  We help communities work through the revitalization process, provide support as they develop solutions, build partnerships and plan for the future.


Below you can access our most recent financial information.

Interested in working with us?

Check out how you can contribute to our work and further our mission of improving the quality of life in Fremont by strengthening the historic downtown as the center of the community.

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Contact Us

MainStreet of Fremont

152 E 6th Street, Suite 104

Fremont, NE 68025

(402) 721 - 2264

©2023 by MainStreet of Fremont

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